Here are some interesting articles I've read over the past week that I think are worth checking out. Jina Moore, “ Just give poor people money . ” 17 Oct, Boston Globe . "For decades, the assumption has been that poor people will make poor financial decisions. GiveDirectly, a pioneer in giving cash to impoverished families in East Africa, encounters the assumption so often that it keeps a disclaimer near the top of its 'about' page: 'No, people don’t just blow it on booze.'" Di Minardi, “ The grim fate that could be ‘worse than extinction’ . ” 16 Oct, BBC Future. "Though global totalitarianism is still a niche topic of study, researchers in the field of existential risk are increasingly turning their attention to its most likely cause: artificial intelligence." Rachael Brown, “ Thinking critically about COVID-19: Some common mistakes .” 19 Oct, thephilscigirl (Blog). "Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen...
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