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Suggested readings, 20 December 2020


Here are some interesting articles I've read over the past week I think are worth checking out.

Robert Allison, “Sorry, Time magazine, but 2020 is not ‘The Worst Year Ever’ 10 DecThe Post and Courier
"I will take this year over any year before penicillin, indoor plumbing, electricity and regular trash collection."

Kenan Malik, “Ideas can be tolerated without being respected. The distinction is key. 13 DecThe Observer
"Drawing a distinction between people and ideas is essential both for the equal treatment of people and for the capacity to challenge and change ideas."

John E. Hayes and Cara Exten, “Daily DIY sniff checks could catch many cases of COVID-19. 9 Dec, The Conversation
"[R]ecent analyses suggest that if you had to pick just one symptom, sudden smell loss may be the single best predictor of a COVID-19 diagnosis."

Ed Yong, How Science Beat the Virus. 14 Dec, The Atlantic. 
"[W]hen people look back on this period, decades from now, they will also tell stories, both good and bad, about this extraordinary moment for science. At its best, science is a self-correcting march toward greater knowledge for the betterment of humanity. At its worst, it is a self-interested pursuit of greater prestige at the cost of truth and rigor. The pandemic brought both aspects to the fore."

Thomas Sinclair, Why should we care if humans die out? 15 Dec, New Statesman
Climate activists often claim that future generations have the right to inherit a sustainable world, but it is surprisingly difficult to explain why. 

Lucius Caviola and Joshua Greene, Giving with the Heart and the Head. 17 Dec, Los Angeles Times
"Human goodness comes from the heart. We shouldn’t deny that. But by making charitable giving a bit more evidence-based, we can multiply our impact and benefit even more people."

Tom Chivers, Unconscious Bias Training is an empty PR drill. 16 Dec, UnHerd
"Stopping UBT [unconscious bias training] at the civil service is good, because UBT doesn’t work. The next step, if I was in charge, would be finding out what measures actually do work, and introducing them."


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